In other sections of this website we have addressed secular issues that affect the safety and well-being of athletes and their families. In this section of our website, we deal with metaphysical matters that also influence the safety and well-being of athletes and their families. Included will be references to religion. The BMS Project does not endorse any particular religion. The suggested religious resources are provided to assist visitors to explore spiritual paths that might contribute to their safety and well-being.
We leave it entirely up to individuals to choose their own life paths… be those secular, spiritual and/or both. We wish you and yours a safe journey.
In other sections of this website we have addressed secular issues that affect the safety and well-being of athletes and their families. In this section of our website, we deal with metaphysical matters that also influence the safety and well-being of athletes and their families. Included will be references to religion. The BMS Project does not endorse any particular religion. The suggested religious resources are provided to assist visitors to explore spiritual paths that might contribute to their safety and well-being.
We leave it entirely up to individuals to choose their own life paths… be those secular, spiritual and/or both. We wish you and yours a safe journey.
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In this Step Two of Spirituality, we first provide an article written by Dr. Francis A. Martin addressing concerned parents involvement with their children’s Spirituality development and and growth. Please click on the circle/link below to access Dr. Martin’s article. You also find below access to a library of short videos addressing spiritual topics.
As an introduction to the subject of spirituality, have you ever fallen? What was the outcome of your fall? A skinned knee? A bleeding lip? A sprained wrist? Or something else? Everyone knows that when we fall, we sometimes suffer painful consequences. More generally, life includes many other kinds of events that lead to painful consequences. The other kinds of events may include a strained marriage, a critically ill parent, a job that disappeared, overdue bills for which money is lacking, a house fire, and so on. Inevitably, life contains many different kinds of stressful events. This is life, as we know it. However, we also know that stressful events may distract us from living well, but that they are neither our total experience of life nor the experience of life that we desire. Instead of overwhelming or distracting distress, we mostly understand that a well-lived life includes
- a sense of purpose,
- a belief that our lives have significance,
- a need to relate with others so that their lives become more secure and meaningful, loving relationships that support comfort in belonging, and often a personal connection with a higher being—and more.
This is spirituality—personal spirit fulfilled. All of these things and more tell us that when we are living a spirited, enlivened life, we have become spiritual. And, much too often, a spirited and enlivened life emerges from adversity. Yes, often we discover that adversity enables us to be more spiritual, to live a more fulfilled life.
Something in us calls us to sustain life. And, whatever this thing is that calls us to sustain life also calls us to make life good, quite beyond trying to sustain it. This is spirituality.
Those of us who work with The BMS Project genuinely hope that our presentation of various aspects of spirituality help you to make life good.
In this section, we provide introductory articles associated with spirituality. Periodically, we may add additional articles.
In this section, we provide videos associated with spirituality. Periodically, we may add additional videos.
In this section, we provide brief synopsis of the most widely practiced religions. We do not provide next step suggestions.
Check out our suggested resources below to help support your next step spirituality research efforts.