The BMS Project

Mission Statement

The BMS Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to assist amateur sports advocates to create and maintain positive, safe competitive environments and experiences for athletes and competitors of all ages and their families; as well as to promote mental health awareness and contribute to suicide prevention.

To accomplish our mission, we work with athletes, sports advocates, for profit and nonprofit partners and affiliates to provide for the safety and well-being of athletes.  We define “sports advocates” as parents, coaches, mentors, officials and school counselors. 

On the front side of this introduction please note that the provided QR code links to resources that assist locating and vetting therapists and counselors. The Top Three Athlete Tips represent the highest priorities of On the bottom of the page we have provided important safety and well being resources for athletes, coaches, parents and officials. 

The QR code provided below links to resources designed to contribute to positive, safe competitive experiences by sport.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: The suggested resources are not represented to be the best or only options available.  However, they are presented as possible early steps for users to consider when addressing their individual situations.  Then, a limited number of next steps resources are suggested.  The resolution of personal situations will always be at the discretion of each individual.  The BMS Project, Inc. (”TBPI:) is a Missouri nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation.  The early step mental/behavioral health educational and advisory services that TBPI provides are intended to contribute to athletes safety and well-being, to promote mental health awareness and contribute to suicide prevention for athletes and their families.  TBPI, our Executive Board, Advisory Board members, staff, promotional partners, associated leagues and affiliates do not assume legal liability in conjunction with the directory/advisory or other services provided therein; and/or services provided by other non-affiliated, independently owned and operated third parties.  TBPI is not affiliated with any religious or political organizations.  TBPI respects the rights of parents and/or guardians to determine what is best for their minor children.